Solution-Focused brief therapy is an approach to psychotherapy based on creating the solution rather than trying to dig into problems. in this article we are talking about Solution Focused Therapy . please follow us in social networks .

Despite acknowledging current problems and reason, for the most part it explores a person’s current resources and future hope. Which helps you look ahead and use your own strength to achieve that goal.

As the name implies, solution-focused brief therapy is considered in one approach but in a limited time. But, the technique is often incorporated into long-term types of therapy and the effect can be long-lasting as well.

This approach was developed in the United States in the 1980s by marriage. Steve de Shazer and Insoon Kim Berg. Together with a team in the brief family center. All together they founded this type of therapy under the following:

  • Constant and safe change.
  • What is changeable is possible.
  • Patients must want to change.
  • Patients are the experts and they summarize their own goals.
  • Patients have resources and their own strengths to solve problems.
  • Therapy is short term.
  • Therapy focuses on the future.

How does it work?

Rather than dwell on a person’s shortcomings and limitations, they focus on therapy solutions that focus on the strengths and possibilities of the patient. It works by helping to overcome problems but without directly addressing them.

Change is encouraged to help people develop a clear and realistic set of goals. The therapist focuses on the solution.

Within the sessions, the therapist helps the patient imagine the patient how he sees himself but in the future and how everything will be better once the changes are made. On the other hand, patients are encouraged to explore past experiences and times when they were happiest, and how they see themselves in the future.

It is primarily about them having a clear vision of their future, and this moves the therapy process forward. Assuring patients that it is straightforward, and the result short.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy Technique

This approach has a variety of techniques used by a therapist to clarify solutions and assist the patient seeking help. It is a series of questions tailored to the person and the specific circumstances in which they find themselves. For example:

  • Miraculous question.
    Key element of this questioning, the miraculous question. A question that encourages people to stop thinking about why they can’t achieve something. This helps them see life differently and takes their attention away from the cause of their problem. The miracle question allows the person to imagine a solution.
  • Exception question.
    These types of questions allow people to identify with times when things may have been different for them. Exploring within this theme highlights the strengths and resources used by the patient to achieve them. Some examples:1. Talk about the times when the patient has felt happy.
    2. What was there at that time, what made it better?
    3. Can you remember when the problem was not present in your life?
  • Escalated questions.
    After the miraculous question and the exception question, the scale questions are formulated in order to invite the participants to perceive the problem in terms of difficulty. This has to imply the use of a scale from 1 to 10, in which each number represents a rating of the problem.

Who can benefit from this therapy?

Solution-focused therapy has really been so successful that benefits can accrue to children, families, couples, and seniors. It is effective for those who really want to make the change.

Because the Solution-Focused is based on a short period of time, it is perfect for those who live a bit in a hurry. Sessions generally last 45 minutes. And they are between 6 and 8 sessions. Of course, this could vary depending on the person and their problem to be treated.

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