Jung gave the world an extraversion-introversion typology in one of his books. Physiological Types. Jung’s explanation of these types conveys it as styles of perception, processing, and direction of mental energy. With one type no better than the other. Carl preferred the term “psychic energy.” Although sometimes he also used the term “libido”. In fact, this term was more typical of Freud to give meaning to the sexual energy of the mind or soul. According to Jung, the attitude of an outgoing person directs the mind’s attention and energy to its activities to function. While, on the contrary, introverts are further removed from everything around them. Routinely, the defensive measure they bring is that their ego protects them from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and from outgoing people who don’t stop for air. Carl Jung clarifies the term when he deciphered the behavior of extroverts in their verbal explorations as externally directed psychological energy. Especially towards other people. In fact, he said that for extroverts, the world of others is so fascinating that it tempts them to never seek again.

In an ecological sense, we are all interconnected. Scientist Gregory Bateson stated the need to extrapolate patterns of mental processes along with patterns of adaptive processes. All forms of communication have an adaptive function. And perception is linked to communication processes.

Extroverts feel the need to talk more than to adapt. Let’s see it from another way. Extroverts speak first, then they can process how to respond to their environment. This, depending on how others react to what he or she says.

An example. The adaptive function that bats have. They send out high-frequency sounds to reverberate off objects around them and calculate when and where to deviate. Extraverted minds have a greater functional dependence on social stimulus than introverts’ minds.

Introverts focus the energy of their mind within themselves, first of all. The sense of self adapts within an internal world. As who says, behind a protective bar that is occasionally invaded by others. Friends, colleagues, etc.

Extroverts adapt to the energy of others and move among others as if others were an extension of their own consciousness. It is as if they better experience the fullness of themselves in the light projected by human relationships. Interpersonal feedback functions as a psychological foundation for the “lightning” energies of extroverts.

Jung said, “The subjective attitude of extroverts is constantly related and object-oriented.”

Which answers one of the first questions. Extroverts argue first to think about it. They need others to think optimally. Jung says that extroverts need others to make their own decisions and actions. And introverts rely on their subjective values.

Jung wrote that extroverts change their own attitude when relating to others, and that they also pay attention to the effect they have on others. Introverts also use this attitude change function depending on the person, but they do it in a more protective than exploratory way.

Jung said of extroverts: “The fear of objects is minimal; live and move among them with confidence ”.

Speech is a function of the information process. Also, a human energy management function. While introverts need to protect themselves from loss of energy, extroverts need that energy provided by the verbal relationship.

It is true that introverts also need relationships, but extroverts not only need those friendships, but even personal encounters with the unknown. Jung mentioned that for extroverts, anything unknown is attractive to them.

The world around extroverts is their psychological space. For what they do occupy experiencing it, in doing so they experience themselves.

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