Hypnotherapy is a kind of psychotherapy that uses guided methods of relaxation and intense concentration. Focusing all the attention of the patient to achieve a heightened state of consciousness, sometimes called “trance”. All of the patient’s attention is concentrated while in hypnosis. Everything that happens around is temporarily blocked or ignored by the same person. In this state, people can focus their attention on specific thoughts or tasks. Hypnosis is considered a helpful tool in psychotherapy. This is because hypnosis allows people to explore deeply thoughts, feelings, and memories that are hidden in the minds of people. On the other hand, hypnosis also allows people to perceive things differently. For example, blocking an awareness of pain.

Hypnosis can be used in two different ways. As therapy or aid for patient analysis.

  • Suggestion therapy.
    The hypnotic state makes the patient capable of responding to questions or suggestions. So hypnotherapy helps some people change certain behaviors. Bad habits. In addition, it helps people change their perception and sensations. It is particularly useful in treating pain.
  • This method uses the state of relaxation to explore a possible psychological cause for an existing disorder or symptom in the patient. As traumatic events that the person has hidden in his unconscious memory. Once the trauma is released, it can be treated with psychotherapy.


What is a hypnotherapy session like?

First of all, the therapist establishes a good relationship with the client. This involves encouraging the patient to talk about their concerns. A medical history is taken by spending time with the patient. The exam helps build trust between the therapist and the patient.

If the patient feels safe, comfortable, and trusting with the therapist, then inducing a hypnotic trance will be much easier.

The goals for therapy are discussed and mutually agreed upon between the two of you. Therapist and patient. A full explanation of what hypnosis is and what it consists of is provided. It is at this point in therapy that any doubts about hypnotherapy are cleared up.

There are many ways to get into a trance state. Generally, the patient sits on a reclining couch and the therapist begins to speak in a slow, soft voice. An example of a hypnotherapy session would look like this:

The patient is asked to imagine walking down a path. To go deeper into the trance, the therapist counts from 10 to 1. It is then that the patient begins to feel very relaxed but aware of the surroundings.

To return to full consciousness, the therapist can count again from 1 to 10 this time. The duration of the treatments depends on the problem or the symptoms that the patient presents. In some cases, such as nail biting, it can be fixed in one sitting.

Other more severe panic problems may take 5 to 6 sessions. Over the course of therapy, patients are shown inducing self-hypnosis as part of a series of home therapeutic tasks. The first sessions can last between 1 hour to 2.


What must be taken into account when trying hypnosis?

  • A person will never be induced to hypnosis against their will.
  • The goal of hypnosis is to regain control that has been lost.
  • An estimated 85% of people respond positively to hypnosis.


Hypnotherapy Benefits

Hypnotherapy makes the patient more open to discussion and suggestions. It can improve various symptoms of other conditions. Such as:

  • Phobias, fears, anxiety.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Posttraumatic stress.
  • Grief over the loss of a loved one.

As we mentioned earlier, hypnosis also treats bad habits, such as smoking or overeating. It is useful for people whose symptoms are severe or who need to know how to handle a crisis.


Is there a contradiction in hypnosis?

Hypnosis may not be very appropriate in certain cases. For example, in the case of a person who has psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions. Also in a person who uses drugs or alcohol. But it can be used later to treat any type of ailment only if the doctor has previously evaluated and given authority.


Are there any risks?

Hypnosis is certainly not a dangerous process. It is not a mind control as many may think. It is completely recommended when treating cases where there are symptoms that cannot be explained or get to the root of why in a simple therapy session.

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