

The knowledge we acquire about emotions begins when we are children. People often categorize emotions as positive or negative.

I understand that some emotions are unpleasant and negative, but honestly, they are just emotions. We are the ones who put a connotation to each emotion according to the life history we have.

Emotions are reactions that we all experience. Disgust, happiness, fear, anger, sadness, etc. We feel joy when we achieve a goal that we have set ourselves, courage when we make mistakes or experience injustice, sadness when someone we love dies, etc.

They are not the only type of emotions that we can feel, there is also euphoria, insecurity, loneliness, melancholy, etc. Like it or not, each of us experiences it all the time.

Emotions are adaptive, which means that if I feel sad, what is expected is that I start crying or feeling unmotivated. The emotions that we experience are there as a means of communication about something that we need to attend to. No emotion is good or bad.

The importance of learning to name all emotions is what allows us to work on our emotional intelligence. What am I feeling? How am I feeling? And what do I do with this that I’m feeling?

In order to get to this, we have to start listening to ourselves every day and learn to self-observe without giving ourselves any kind of judgment. Accept that emotions can enter through the door of our house and invite them to have coffee to be able to talk about why they are visiting us. And thus, allow ourselves to feel what we are feeling.

Try the following:

Try a self-observation exercise. Without giving us judgment for feeling any emotion. We are only going to dedicate ourselves to feeling and trying to recognize the name of that emotion that is being experienced.

Consciously observe every day and at the end of the day we are going to write in a notebook what emotions we were feeling and how intense we feel them.

Example: Today I felt sad. Intensity – 8 out of 10.

After having recorded them in the notebook, we are going to break them down. Each. Then we will ask several questions and answer them. What we seek is to become familiar with our emotions, to realize which ones we are experiencing and what we do with them when they inhabit us.

We ask ourselves questions like: how do I feel when I’m upset? What do I do when I’m happy? What should I do when I feel like this? How do I realize that what I feel is sadness? How does my body when I am stressed?

Try to be more aware of your emotions and emotional needs. Have more honest and thoughtful dialogues with yourself about how you feel. Emotions do not have gender, it is important to learn to know what we do with each one of them. But also give us the task of investigating what is the message that this emotion brings.

Something that is also extremely important is giving vent to emotions. Exercise daily, talk to someone, go to therapy, write, draw, scream! Enjoy the silence, cry, whatever, but feel and then let go of all that does not do you good.

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