autogenic training

The term “ Schultz autogenic training ” is well known in the field of psychology, but few know what it really consists of. Therefore, I invite you to continue reading.

In the 1930s, neurologist Johannes H. Schultz developed a technique called “autogenic training.”

This technique is based on the concentration of the physical sensations of the person through deep relaxation. Schultz said that people can reach this type of relaxation simply by using their imagination, that’s what autogenic training is all about.

Today, this technique is still used in therapy. Especially to treat anxiety and psychosomatic conditions. Since it allows to increase the levels of calm of the patients through muscle relaxation, this gives a feeling of calm and lasting relaxation to the person.

what does Autogenic Training consist of ? Autogenic training consists of 6 exercises that must be practiced and learned progressively. These exercises focus on the passive concentration of the body’s sensations. For example, the limbs first, and the rest of the body later. They relax through sensations of heat and weight.

When the limbs are relaxed, there is a pleasant feeling of heaviness in them. In this way, autogenic training suggests that in order to achieve this feeling of relaxation, what the person must do is to convince themselves through concentration that their extremities are heavy. In this way, it is the internal conviction that achieves the feeling of relaxation in the body.

As the name implies, this technique is based on training, therefore, it must be practiced progressively and constantly to achieve the states of well-being that can be provided with this technique.

But, despite the fact that it is a technique that sounds quite simple and that can be learned at home, it is recommended to have at least at the beginning the help of a specialized professional to guide the basic training until the person is able to carry it out. out on its own.

During the exercises, it is necessary that the phrase “I am calm” is repeated frequently. In addition to those of each of the exercises. The phrases, in the beginning, are difficult to understand, because at the beginning of the training it is difficult to get those sensations right away. These phrases are a goal to reach through practice and of course, patience.

You don’t need to be in a weird position. Rather, sitting quietly in a comfortable chair in what Schultz himself defined as a “driver’s position.” The posture should be as relaxed as possible, resting the forearms on the legs slightly apart and dropping the hands between them.

The ideal environment would be a place where it is quiet and without outside noises that can distract the person’s mind. Accompanied by dim light and an ambient temperature that allows you to be calm and comfortable.

During the training learning process, it is recommended that relaxation sessions last at least 5 minutes and be repeated about 3 times a day. As the person progresses in the training and adds the different exercises, the time will be extended.

One aspect that is often forgotten is the completion of the exercises. For example, when we have achieved the desired relaxation, and we want to finish the exercise, it should be done with a deep breath, a stretch of the limbs, and slowly opening the eyes. In order to avoid dizziness or unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to get up slowly and slowly.

Exercise 1 – Heaviness for autogenic training

This exercise is the main and most basic, but it is important that you master it perfectly to be able to move on to the next one.


  1. Sit comfortably. Relax and get comfortable.
  2. Close your eyes and put all your concentration on your right arm.
  3. Mentally repeat: “the right arm weighs”, “the right arm weighs more and more”.
  4. Repeat this phrase slowly about 6 times.
  5. When you feel that your right arm weighs, mentally repeat: “I am completely calm.”
  6. Repeat the phrase 3 times.
  7. End the exercise with a deep breath, stretch your limbs, open your eyes slowly, and slowly get up.
  8. Remember to always breathe normally throughout the exercise.

This basic exercise should be repeated 3 times a day and shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. When you finally feel that you have mastered this exercise, now you can, you can extend it to 20 minutes or more per session by adding the other limbs.


  1. Sit comfortably, relax.
  2. Close your eyes and focus your concentration on your right arm.
  3. Repeat mentally: “the right arm weighs”, “the right arm weighs more and more”.
  4. Repeat the phrase about 6 times.
  5. When you feel that your arm is heavy, repeat: “I am completely calm.”
  6. Repeat the phrase 3 times.
  7. Now repeat steps 3 through 6 with your left arm, right leg, and left leg.
  8. End the exercise: take a deep breath, stretch, open your eyes, and slowly get up.
  9. Remember that you should always breathe normally throughout the exercise.

When you have fully mastered the main exercise, then you are ready to move on to the next exercise. The heat.

Exercise 2 – Heat for autogenic training .

Once we have mastered the feeling of heaviness, we move on to the next thing, which is heat. This sensation is very pleasant and allows the muscles to relax even more.

Remember: Exercise 2 should be after 1.


  1. Now, mentally repeat about 6 times: “the right arm is hot”, “the right arm is getting hotter.”
  2. When you feel that the right arm is warm, repeat about 3 times: “I am completely calm.”
  3. Now repeat the same steps but with the left arm, the right leg, and the left leg.
  4. Finish the exercise, take a deep breath, stretch, open your eyes, and slowly get up.
  5. Remember to always breathe normally throughout the exercise.

An important tip: If you have low blood pressure, this exercise is not recommended, as it could cause dizziness and unpleasant sensations.

Exercise 3 – Pulsations for autogenic training

After mastering the heat workout, you can move on to the next one. Pulsations.

This is perhaps the most complicated because it requires a high level of attention to your body.

Again, this exercise comes after the second.


  1. While you are concentrating on the pulsations of your right arm, mentally repeat 3 times: “my heart beats calm.”
  2. Now, repeat the same steps but with the left arm, right leg, and left.
  3. The exercise ends.
  4. Breathe normally throughout the exercise.

Exercise 4 – Breathing in autogenic training


  1. Focus your attention on your breathing and mentally repeat 3 times: “my breathing is calm and calm.”
  2. Now, repeat the same step with the other limbs.
  3. Finish the exercise with the same steps that I have already mentioned.
  4. Remember to always breathe normally throughout the exercise.

Exercise 5 – Abdomen , a main part in autogenic training

Once exercise 4 has been accomplished, the next will come.


  1. Now, look at your abdomen. Repeat mentally 3 times: “my abdomen radiates heat.”
  2. Now, repeat the same step with the other limbs.
  3. Finish the exercise as I have already mentioned.
  4. Normal breathing

During this exercise, it will be important that you imagine that your abdomen is a source of heat that radiates to the rest of the body.

Exercise 6 – The mind , also important in autogenic training

This is the last exercise.


  1. At this time, your relaxation level is very high. Focus on your mind. Locate it on the forehead and repeat 5 times: “my forehead is fresh.”
  2. The exercise ends.
  3. Normal breathing

During this exercise of autogenic training , imagine a cool breeze blowing directly onto your forehead. The feeling of freshness will allow you to reach a level of total relaxation.

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