Psychological profile of an abuser

Human beings were not designed to go through traumatizing things. One of those painful and difficult situations to overcome is constant abuse, either physical or psychological. Sadly, despite the great progress we have made to date on gender equality, there are still cases of gender violence. There is not only violence from men to women, but also from women to men.

The psychological field has been increasingly in charge of investigating in depth to find that there are certain patterns of behavior in abusers that, without a doubt, are worth knowing to identify them.

During this article, we will explain to you what are those signs or patterns that indicate that the person next to you is an abuser. You will learn to identify them and hopefully get away before it’s too late.

In the psychological investigation, 3 types of abusers were found. One of the criteria used to classify them is the presence of mental health problems.

  1. Abusers who exert gender violence in the family.
    These types of domestic abusers exert violence at home and those he considers less deviant. Unlike others, they have a lower level of impulsivity, drug or alcohol use, and delinquency. They are people (men or women) who in their childhood were exposed to violence and aggression and therefore have problems relating to other people, since they lack social skills.

    Generally, the relationships that they can have are more or less stable. And unlike other types of abusers, they show regret and guilt after having attacked their partner.

  2. Dysphoric abuser.
    These types of abusers practice moderate to severe acts of violence against their partner. They are people who have some type of personality disorder because they have many emotional problems. Which means that they do not have control of their impulses that can manifest with jealousy and anger.

    The problems of these come from childhood, since generally, they present a history of rejection by the parents. They are people who may have been victims of child abuse. This type of abuser shows no regret or guilt.

  3. Violent and antisocial abuser.
    This type of abuser is the one who shows the highest degree of pathology. They exert severe ciolence and can be physical, emotional or even sexual. Most of these types of abusers are people who in their childhood suffered abuse by their family and have a history of delinquency. They also lack social skills and unlike the other 2 types of abusers, they justify their violent acts in the wrong way. In these cases, narcissism and antosocial personality disorder may occur.

Psychological profile of an abuser

The main characteristics of an abuser are:

  • Insecurity: They are people who like to have everything under control and do not support that things happen as they had planned since this unbalances them.

  • Aggression: Aggressive people are difficult to detect because they do not tend to show their aggressiveness in public but in a smaller or more intimate circle such as the family. Abusers begin by using verbal violence, so they may begin by making comments that seem insignificant such as: ‘your ideas are stupid’ or ‘you didn’t dress well. Then the violence rises until it reaches the physical.

  • Not responsible for their actions: Abusers generally tend not to deal with their problems and blame others. They do not recognize when they have made a mistake or acknowledge the discomfort that they are feeling for their actions.

The violence in the couple has many faces. For example:

  • Jealousy
    These are abusers who are extremely possessive and manifest exaggerated pathological jealousy.

  • Possession
    Abusers try to have control over their partner all the time since they feel that their role in a relationship is to do it as the men they are.

  • Destroyer of self-esteem
    The abuser is a very closed person and who is not willing to take into account other ideas or points of view that are not his own.

This article is to inform you. If you suffer from a case of violence, feel free to contact us to give you support.

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