I feel ashamed when my partner sees me without clothes.

Has it happened to you that you are ashamed that your partner sees you naked? Do you have no idea why this happens? Would you like to know how to solve it ? Everyone in the whole world has crossed our minds the famous, what will they say about me? don’t worry, as I told you, it happens to all of us. The fear arises that they will make us a negative evaluation of our person, especially in intimate situations such as sexual relations.

Stay here we explain why this happens and what we can do to solve it.

During intimacy, our body is actively experiencing different changes throughout the process. Since the excitement begins until it ends in orgasm. These changes translate into certain noises, expressions, smells, and fluids.

So why are we ashamed to undress in private? These changes that we mention are usually accompanied by specific thoughts such as fear of making a mistake, for example, expelling gas, menstruation, need to go to the bathroom, etc.

Before this accumulation of pressures, shame arises which makes us feel vulnerable and does not allow us to enjoy the moment one hundred percent. Let’s delve into the subject.

Shame does not arise from the fact that your partner sees you naked, but because of our self-demand and the pressure of our thoughts that something may go wrong or not meet our partner’s expectations.

The shame that we feel about being seen naked is part of the disagreement we have with our bodies. In other words, the pity that we feel when we are seen naked is closely linked to our self-esteem.

If you feel ashamed when making love, the main cause is that you do not feel comfortable with yourself, usually due to low self-esteem. For this reason, we will have to slow down our sexual relations and reduce satisfaction.

It is a vicious circle that we must break as soon as possible to be able to feel free during intimacy with our partner. Importantly, our sexual satisfaction is not determined by our height or weight, but rather by the recurring negative thoughts that limit us.

If you’ve ever wondered how to lose your shame when being intimate, the most important thing is to work on your self-perception of yourself to increase your self-esteem.

I feel ashamed when my partner sees me without clothes.

Here are some tips to achieve it:

  1. Accept yourself as you are.
    It is not about focusing on getting the desired figure, but rather about changing the perception we have of our body. Learn to love ourselves as we are. Focus on our strengths.

  2. Identify the origin.
    Identify why we are ashamed. For that, we must reflect on the aspect that generates the most insecurity with ourselves.

  3. Share your feelings with your partner.
    You must remain honest with your partner so that he or she can understand what is happening to you. Silence can create our partner feeling that it is his or her fault that makes us feel uncomfortable. This step is essential to know that you are not alone and that you have the support of your partner.

  4. Just relax.
    Learning to breathe is a very useful tool to focus our attention on sexual acts. And so, enjoy it fully by avoiding negative thoughts.

  5. Work to improve your self-esteem.
    Self-esteem not only influences how we see ourselves, but it also affects how we act, the decisions we make, and how we feel. Therefore, it is essential to achieve strong self-esteem.

    For that, we must dedicate time to our person, personal care, and mental health.

If the feeling is recurrent and causes you constant discomfort, do not hesitate to contact a psychology professional who can accompany you and advise you. Psychology professionals can help you improve any aspect of your life that is not allowing you to enjoy it.

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