Saving my marriage. We know that relationships are difficult, it is said and written everywhere. And marriage is no less difficult. During the marriage, a series of expectations are generated that in many cases do not conform to reality. We relate, we fall in love, we make plans, then we make mistakes, we grow and change. Or sometimes we don't change. But, these changes or the absence of them, can sometimes endanger that dear relationship that we have. If this is your situation, I invite you to continue reading this article. We bring you tips to help you save your marriage. Saving my marriage. We recommend trying the following five things that we consider essential: 1. Analyze your marriage: Find out what is going wrong and why it is going wrong. What is it or the reasons? Once you find the reasons, think, do they have a solution? What can I and my partner do to improve our marriage? And of course, are you willing to make the changes? 2. Communication grows: Both in quality and quantity. Communication is essential and basic for any type of relationship. It is not only about expressing feelings and needs, but also actively listening to the other person. With empathy and entrepreneurship. 3. Get out of the routine: Monotony is like a virus that infects the relationship without you even noticing. We recommend fighting it from time to time by doing different things, trips, excursions, going for a walk, etc. Also, spending time together outside of the routine will help strengthen the bond between the two of you. 4. Relive the passion: Creativity is essential in the aspect of intimacy. Of course, we are not saying that you behave like a boy and get in trouble for doing it on public roads. 5. Couples therapy: Seeing a specialist on time can be a lifesaver for your marriage. A professional will guide you and your spouse and make them see what is best for both of you. Couples therapy can teach you many strategies. From problem solving methods to ways to ignite passion and enhance intimacy. But what if my partner doesn't want to save our marriage? The most common reason for breakups is a lack of communication or understanding. This is why tip number two is so important. It should not be underestimated. If you see that your marriage is not working and your partner is in passive mode without the intention of wanting to fix it, take the initiative. If you're wondering what steps to take, try one and two first. Communicate with your partner to find out if he or she perceives what you perceive in your relationship. Ask what they think is wrong with the relationship, and then talk about how to change it. Then make these changes, for real. If after a while your partner continues with the same attitude, then consider whether you want to continue with the relationship, because at the end of the day a marriage is a matter of two and both should work and feel comfortable with each other. One alone cannot save a marriage where there are two. Although at first imagining a separation could mean the end of the world, it also brings positive things like one more opportunity to grow personally and with a new lifestyle and of course, another perspective on relationships. Let's say a more mature point of view. Taking time apart may also be an option if the person who wants to fix things feels stuck. Although it may seem like taking a step in the opposite direction, time apart can also help you realize and value the relationship you had before. After separation, if the two spouses are willing to reconcile and work to move the marriage forward, they have likely reflected on both and the relationship. Rome was not built in a day, this is all a recovery process and it will take time. You must not get impatient. The important thing is that both of you talk about it and agree on it.

We know that relationships are difficult, it is said and written everywhere. And marriage is no less difficult.

During the marriage, a series of expectations are generated that in many cases do not conform to reality. We relate, we fall in love, we make plans, then we make mistakes, we grow and change. Or sometimes we don’t change.

But, these changes or the absence of them, can sometimes endanger that dear relationship that we have. If this is your situation, I invite you to continue reading this article. We bring you tips to help you save your marriage.

Saving my marriage.

We recommend trying the following five things that we consider essential:

  1. Analyze your marriage:
    Find out what is going wrong and why it is going wrong. What is it or the reasons? Once you find the reasons, think, do they have a solution? What can I and my partner do to improve our marriage? And of course, are you willing to make the changes?

  2. Communication grows:
    Both in quality and quantity. Communication is essential and basic for any type of relationship. It is not only about expressing feelings and needs, but also actively listening to the other person. With empathy and entrepreneurship.

  3. Get out of the routine:
    Monotony is like a virus that infects the relationship without you even noticing. We recommend fighting it from time to time by doing different things, trips, excursions, going for a walk, etc. Also, spending time together outside of the routine will help strengthen the bond between the two of you.

  4. Relive the passion:
    Creativity is essential in the aspect of intimacy. Of course, we are not saying that you behave like a boy and get in trouble for doing it on public roads.

  5. Couples therapy:
    Seeing a specialist on time can be a lifesaver for your marriage. A professional will guide you and your spouse and make them see what is best for both of you.

    Couples therapy can teach you many strategies. From problem solving methods to ways to ignite passion and enhance intimacy.

But what if my partner doesn’t want to save our marriage?

The most common reason for breakups is a lack of communication or understanding. This is why tip number two is so important. It should not be underestimated. If you see that your marriage is not working and your partner is in passive mode without the intention of wanting to fix it, take the initiative.

If you’re wondering what steps to take, try one and two first. Communicate with your partner to find out if he or she perceives what you perceive in your relationship. Ask what they think is wrong with the relationship, and then talk about how to change it.

Then make these changes, for real. If after a while your partner continues with the same attitude, then consider whether you want to continue with the relationship, because at the end of the day a marriage is a matter of two and both should work and feel comfortable with each other. One alone cannot save a marriage where there are two.

Although at first imagining a separation could mean the end of the world, it also brings positive things like one more opportunity to grow personally and with a new lifestyle and of course, another perspective on relationships. Let’s say a more mature point of view.

Taking time apart may also be an option if the person who wants to fix things feels stuck. Although it may seem like taking a step in the opposite direction, time apart can also help you realize and value the relationship you had before.

After separation, if the two spouses are willing to reconcile and work to move the marriage forward, they have likely reflected on both and the relationship.

Rome was not built in a day, this is all a recovery process and it will take time. You must not get impatient. The important thing is that both of you talk about it and agree on it.

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