My partner does not touch me sexually.

Body language is usually more expressive than what we say verbally, and more when it comes to the love plane of a relationship as a couple. Physical distance can be related to emotional distance. Sometimes, without realizing it, the sexual desire in the couple decreases and that causes you to feel less desired.

On a day-to-day basis, there are many factors that can turn off passion. If you are going through a similar situation, we recommend that you finish reading this article so that you can answer your big question: Why doesn’t my partner touch me?

These could be possible causes why your partner does not touch you sexually:

  1. Stress.
    The pace of life today is more than marked by constant commitments and the urgency of the rush that marks the pace of work and other commitments. Stress can activate personal apathy.
    Stress influences sexual desire, since when a person goes through a situation of these characteristics they have a reductionist vision of reality. Their thoughts are closed. Mainly in the reason for the concern that affects you or that matter that you want to resolve.
  2. Weight of routine within the relationship.
    Monotony produces a lot of suffering on a psychological level. The routine can kill the passion in the couple if both spouses do not take the initiative to integrate the surprise factor: love.
  3. Low selfsteem.
    A person who has physical complexes projects himself as unattractive to the other. That is, he projects his insecurity through body language.
  4. Infidelity.
    If your partner does not touch you sexually, it can also mean a situation with this characteristic. However, for this to be the cause of the situation, this indication must be accompanied by other components. For example, change of habits and prolonged absences without a logical and credible justification.
    Probably the person has not materialized an infidelity, but that if he is in love with a third person and has lost interest in his partner.
  5. Relationship crisis.
    A crisis in the relationship produces suffering, as the couple feels uncertain because they do not know how this love story is going to evolve.
    Body and mind interact, also love. In this way, the body can somatize the blocks, feelings, and emotional knots of a situation that produces a psychological burden. Just as a couple communicates their love naturally through the power of a caress. On the contrary, those who have an emotional distance due to a disagreement may feel that there is a barrier between them that generates the distance.
  6. Secondary effect.
    Health also influences sexual desire. In this case, the lack of desire would be involuntary when taking a drug that causes the person to lose their sexual appetite.
  7. End of relationship.
    It is possible that one of the spouses does not want anything more with the other but does not know how to say it.
  8. Fear.
    Your partner may have gone through some traumatic situation where he has to do the sexual thing but he has not told you yet.

We have already said about the causes or factors that can influence the lack of sexual appetite. But how does this affect the couple?


  • Emotional instability and susceptibility.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Feeling of loneliness
  • Mood swings, anxiety, or stress
  • Mental and physical fatigue.

What to do if my partner does not touch me ?

  • Identify the cause, talk to your partner honestly.

  • Seek professional help if you think both of you are aware that your intimacy has significantly diminished.

  • Encourage your introspection regarding the situation. In addition to knowing the motives of your partner, reflect on the way you have lived it. At what point did it all start?

If you think you are going through the same or similar situation, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you. 

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