Psychology Plus Magazine

Psychology Plus is a journal of psychology that focuses on self-knowledge and improving marital relationships. In this magazine, we try to help you better manage your relationships and your personal and marital life, relying on the latest scientific articles and authoritative references. We believe that no recovery and treatment will be possible without self-knowledge, and in order to improve marital life, this must first be achieved. In addition to YouTube, our links are provided for your access to the website, Psychology Plus Instagram pages and Radio Bina podcast. We have the honor of introducing you to the strategy and policy of our educational content based on your true storytelling in the Bina Radio podcast. Finally, we note that not all content is therapeutic and is not a definitive treatment, and only abstract help and advice to identify some of the causes of your problems and challenges. We strongly recommend that you consult a psychologist for permanent resolution of marital problems, disorders and behavioral problems.